Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Time...

So this time of the year is one of my most favorite times...not because of the presents, I promise. I think it is just a lot of fun to decorate your house, listen to Christmas carols, go see Christmas lights and everything else that takes place during this time of the year is the best. My parents have been up in Madison, WI this week visiting my sister and her family. They opened Christmas presents last night and the girls loved the Disney Princess backpacks and Uncle Dalon and I got them. I was excited to hear that they LOVED them. My parents are coming back to Dallas this evening and spending the rest of the time until Christmas day with Dalon and myself. We are excited that we are going to be able to have them here for Christmas. We are going to be celebrating Christmas this year at our new apartment. I am very excited and nervous all at the same time. At least mom is here to help me cook. I have been on this morning making sure that I have all the recipes for everything that I am cooking. We are going to be celebrating with Dalon's parents and then the 4 of us. At least there won't be like 20 of us. I think I can handle 6 people. We will see!! I am very excited because Dalon is getting me a new phone for Christmas. We are up for an upgrade come January so we are going to wait until then but I am still super excited. I think he is going to print off a picture of it and wrap it so that I have something to open!! I love my husband. He knows that I love opening gifts.
I hope that I can get some pictures taken this next week and put them up so that everyone can see our new place and the Christmas dinner that will be taking place!! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Really Got Me Thinking...

As all of you know...Dalon and I live in Dallas, Texas. We will most likely be moving somewhere else this summer but are not sure where yet. We are waiting on the Lord to bless us with the location. We are very excited about this but it got me thinking today. I realized that over the 26 years of my life I have never lived close to my family, extended family that is. All of my family is either up North or in Arizona. Since moving from Venezuela I have lived in either South Carolina, Arkansas, or Texas. For the most part it is not that big of deal, but sometimes I think it would be nice to live somewhere close to family. My sister and her family (my 3 nieces) live in Madison, WI. I have only seen them about 4 times in their life. Sometimes I think that I should live up north so that I can actually see my family on a regular basis. I was looking at Facebook today and was very excited for my cousin who had her second child today and could not believe that I will most likely not see here until next year sometime. But I know that this is the location that I am supposed to be at and that the Lord has major plans for Dalon and I in the near future. Don't get me wrong...I love Texas but sometimes I just wish I could see my family more.
Talk about seeing family more...I am super excited because my parents are at the airport in Santiago, Chile right now getting ready to get on the flight that will bring them to see me tomorrow morning. I have been busy all day getting ready for their arrival. They will be spending most of their hours on Saturday sleeping but at least they will be in the next room over instead of in another country.
Hope all is well with all of you...We love you and Good night...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Family Time & Snow....

Dalon and I are very excited about my parents are coming in on Saturday to visit for about a month. They are going to be traveling to attend a conference and to see my sister up in WI but we are going to be their home base until December 25th. It will be nice to be able to celebrate the holidays with them again this year. It is hard to realize that this time last year we were headed up to Grandma's for Christmas. I can not believe that it has already been a year since Dalon proposed. Oh great memories of the cold weather and snow. Talking about snow...Dalon and I woke up this morning to about 6 inches of snow. Yes, I did say snow!!! The weather channel said that there was a slight chance of snow flurries so we all assumed like we always do that it would be cold but no snow. However, this time we were wrong. It is funny to see the reaction of everyone here in Texas when it snows. They almost think it is the world coming to an end. I was on Facebook this morning looking at all the postings of snow covered yards, cars, trees and everything else. People here in Texas have to take pictures of it so that we can actually show people that it can snow in Texas. The weather people are saying that it could snow again on Friday. This is very strange for Texas to be getting this type of weather so early in December. I am a little worried about the winter this year. My parents are going to freeze when they get here. It is supposed to be a high of 49 when they get in. Welcome to Texas!!!
Well I think I have rambled on enough tonight. I would like to say though please be in prayer for my parents as they travel this weekend and for Dalon as he is leaving on Thursday night or Friday morning for a very long roadtrip this weekend for Basketball. They are going to be playing in Arkansas (about 6 hours away) and then traveling over to Kansas (about 8 hours from Arkansas) to play on Saturday. With the weather being the way that it is I am a little worried about this trip.
Have a good night and talk to you later...